Reality Is Up To Us!

Wrong information, uninformed opinion, and biased interpretations of important knowledge is becoming the norm. How are we meant to find our way out of this ‘new’ mess? How is a guy supposed to know if that supplement he is reading about will really help his sperm count – or make it worse? How is a […]

If You Do Nothing Different – What Then?

You want to start a family – but your body won’t cooperate. Here’s a simple thought that might help… You were dealt a particular hand of cards at birth.They weren’t perfect.You’ve been playing the game of life with them ever since.How you play those cards every day determines how your story unfolds. Have you connected those dots in […]

Shields Up – Red Alert

What a truly amazing creation sperm are! They are the only cells in the mammalian world that are designed to leave the body and travel into another person, where they will all die.  There is something quintessentially male about this – the ability to navigate with certainty in places they have never been, and the […]

Tried Everything – Still Can’t Get Pregnant!

The following is a paragraph from Dr Beer’s book about infertility – written in a wonderfully humorous tone by one of his patients following an IVF transfer: “After 2 paranoid weeks of checking everything…nada…no HCG reading…not even a hint of pregnancy. I hadn’t drunk any coffee, hardly touched red wine, walked the dog daily, eaten […]