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Helping you unlock the puzzle of infertility – one story at a time!

Knowing Versus Doing

When struggling with infertility it’s tempting to assume that your primary goal in life is – or should be – to get pregnant.  Hold that thought!

There’s a difference between knowing information and acting on it.

The ‘knowing’ part is the easiest bit because knowledge is everywhere and easily accessed, but it’s the doing part that gets you where you want to go – and everyone struggles with this.

The reason we struggle is because ‘doing’ requires a different mindset to just ‘knowing’.

Knowing is safe whereas doing is risky – because we might fail and get criticized – even if only by ourselves!

But ‘doing’ is how we find out what works – it’s where ‘knowing’ meets reality, and yet at any given moment most of us are ignoring reality in some area of our lives.   But this is ok because most of reality is irrelevant to us, however if the reality we are ignoring is important to us achieving our goals – then we have a problem.

There are two concepts that can help us push past this issue:

  • one is realise that things tend to be more complicated and take longer than we think – and so essentially we don’t have the time we imagine we have.
  • two is to realise that if our current goals are not driving us past our internal resistance to facing reality – then we are probably focusing on the wrong goals.


Before you hunt for more knowledge or burn up will power pushing yourself past the internal resistance – double check with your deepest self first and see if you are pursuing the right goals.

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My mission in life is to help people like you overcome difficult fertility challenges!

To make this overwhelming situation easier I created a program called Return To Fertility which takes away any worries you might have about missing something important on your journey back to fertility.  It comprehensively steps you through the process of optimising your biology for successful conception using natural means – no matter what the underlying issue is.

Return To Fertility has success rates of between 70-80% in any given year – and most of my clients are difficult cases.

If you are interested in learning more about the program then click on the button below and I will send you a free video explaining how it all works including a run down of the costs involved.  If you are interested – we can have a chat!

Talk to you then,


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