Picture of Brendan

Helping you unlock the puzzle of infertility – one story at a time!

Shortcuts to fertility do exist, but where do they lead you?

From 5-day diets to beetroot juice kidney cleanses, from breath-work to yoga postures, from mindfulness to fertility acupuncture, from powerful drugs to novel supplements, you can find good arguments for each of these and more on the worlds many online fertility forums.

All of them have worked for somebody, and every single day somebody else tries one hoping it will work for them.  Sometimes they get lucky – most of the time they try a different one the next day.

Short cuts are tempting, and if you have no plan at all then trying them out is better than nothing, but without a plan that makes sense for your body you’re in danger of spinning your wheels as the clock runs down.   

Much better to put your energy into making a good plan that will get you there.

Hint! – The place you seek is already inside you!

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My mission in life is to help people like you overcome difficult fertility challenges!

To make this overwhelming situation easier I created a program called Return To Fertility which takes away any worries you might have about missing something important on your journey back to fertility.  It comprehensively steps you through the process of optimising your biology for successful conception using natural means – no matter what the underlying issue is.

Return To Fertility has success rates of between 70-80% in any given year – and most of my clients are difficult cases.

If you are interested in learning more about the program then click on the button below and I will send you a free video explaining how it all works including a run down of the costs involved.  If you are interested – we can have a chat!

Talk to you then,


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