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Helping you unlock the puzzle of infertility – one story at a time!

Tried Everything – Still Can’t Get Pregnant!

The following is a paragraph from Dr Beer’s book about infertility – written in a wonderfully humorous tone by one of his patients following an IVF transfer:

After 2 paranoid weeks of checking everything…nada…no HCG reading…not even a hint of pregnancy.

I hadn’t drunk any coffee, hardly touched red wine, walked the dog daily, eaten broccoli and
generally tried hard to keep in good shape. I’d done everything right!  Finally, after 2 days of abject misery I had to do something – so I signed up for emergency acupuncture and hypnotherapy

Such is the frustrated, often convoluted yet brutally honest mindset of women stuck on the roller-coaster of fertility treatment.

But I’m here to tell you – all of the above stuff may be good things to do, but they are not even close to a home run.

If you have ongoing infertility, or a series of miscarriages, or failed IVF’s – you need to be prepared to tumble deep into the rabbit hole, to learn what your body is trying to tell you, and to go where you haven’t gone before.

When I hear people say “I tried everything to get pregnant and nothing works” I want to pull their hair.

Luckily that urge passes, and moments later I am overcome with compassion for them, but compassion alone won’t get a bun in the oven.

If you’ve already ‘tried everything’ but are not yet ready to quit, then you need a better plan – and part of that involves changing the language you use to talk to yourself!

“Everything” – is a lot of things to try, and nobody has enough time to do that!

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My mission in life is to help people like you overcome difficult fertility challenges!

To make this overwhelming situation easier I created a program called Return To Fertility which takes away any worries you might have about missing something important on your journey back to fertility.  It comprehensively steps you through the process of optimising your biology for successful conception using natural means – no matter what the underlying issue is.

Return To Fertility has success rates of between 70-80% in any given year – and most of my clients are difficult cases.

If you are interested in learning more about the program then click on the button below and I will send you a free video explaining how it all works including a run down of the costs involved.  If you are interested – we can have a chat!

Talk to you then,


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